Posts in Life Moments
How to date your spouse and start falling in love again. If I can do it, you can too.

By the time we found our perfect time slot, I’d been waiting to date my husband for 23 years.

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Why’s it so hard to dwell in possibility?

One of my favorite quotes is the well known phrase “I dwell in possibility”, by Emily Dickinson. The words invite you to bask in the glow of what could be and dare you to dream your best life truly is just around the corner.

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How a rainy day, a good book and a comfy chair changed my life.

Cloudy days with lots of rain showers are my favorite. Too many in a row can be dreary, but adequately spaced, a soft rain or even a boisterous thunderstorm brings a coziness only improved upon by the addition of soft jazz playing in the background.

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